• Reparations Curriculum

    This curriculum was compiled by Constance Holmes and the Sacred Ground Committee of Church of the Good Shepherd, Watertown

  • Core Materials

    1. William Darity, “A Blueprint for Reparations in the US” (36 minutes)

    In this video, William Darity details why reparations are necessary, what reparations might look like, and how the US could implement them.

    2. Shenette Garrett-Scott, “What Price Wholeness?”

    This review by Prof. Shenette Garrett-Scott offers a substantial overview of William Darity and Kirsten Mullen's important book From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century.

    3. Kelly Brown Douglas, “A Christian Call for Reparations,” Sojourners.

    Where do Christians fit in the debate over reparations and what is our responsibility? In this compelling piece, Kelly Brown Douglas details the church's role in telling the truth, repairing the breach, and working for just reparations.

    4. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee speaks in favor of HR 40 (9 minutes)

    Representative Sheila Jackson Lee speaks powerfully about reparations and why the United States must act now.

  • Supplementary Materials

    1. An Interview with Jennifer Harvey (17 minutes)

    In this video, Jennifer Harvey calls white Christians to reorient their approach to racial justice and embrace a reparations paradigm.

    2. Glenn Loury & John McWhorter on Reparations (45 minutes)

    There is a lively debate on the topic of reparations in the United States, and this video, featuring Glenn Loury (Brown University) and John McWhorter (Columbia University), offers an argument against reparations.

  • Header image: Daniel Lobo. Reparations. Image. https://www.flickr.com/photos/62518311@N00/42573410405. Creative Commons License - Public Domain Dedication (CC CC0 1.0), https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.